Are you SA born and bred, or has it become home more recently? Tell us about why SA is home for you.
In 2018, I chose SA to be my home because it embraces and celebrates my globally shaped identity. As a global citizen, my idea of ‘home’ is more about surrounding myself with quality people who inherently hold noble values and less to do with geographical locations. South Australians hold a unique set of values that I have not witnessed before. From being humble and hospitable to celebrating diversity and instilling courage in their people who have left a trace globally.
Where do you spend your time?
During the week, I am most likely found at Lot Fourteen (Entrepreneurship & Innovation Precinct) working with other members of the precinct or enjoying the vibrant scenery of North Terrace while I am strolling into Rundle St for a quick lunch. On weekends, I typically start at my local park (Veale Gardens on South Terrace) for a more peaceful morning, which is then followed by a midday brunch/coffee at Cafe Troppo reading my favourite book.
What do you do and why here?
As an Idea Validator with 11point2, I get the opportunity to work with incredibly talented and fun people who have chosen to move here from all over the world. I get to work with new ideas everyday, which is super exciting! My team works on uncovering and validating ideas on behalf of government departments or large corporations in SA. My passion for experimenting ideas is not just shared in the office, but most importantly by our state as well. This is demonstrated by the very existence of the Lot Fourteen precinct today. I am fortunate to be doing what I do here in SA as the whole ecosystem is driven by a shared strategic vision, which is making SA a testing bed for local startups and global organisations.
What are your favourite things to recommend to people new to South Australia?
Book a wine tour with the locals and exchange cultural experiences! The wines in SA can probably be found globally, but only in SA you can enjoy it with our locals who embody and carry the heritage behind all our vineyards. Nothing beats good wine except for good company.
Hire a caravan and go off the grid for a few days with friends and family down South. Our beaches offer some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.
Go on a coffee crawl in the Adelaide CBD area and expect our baristas to strike a chat because we just love a good chat! Some of the places you can visit around the city include Larry & Lad, Part Time Lover and Community.
What is your tip for other locals?
Embrace all those who have come to your state and particularly those who can contribute towards your global IQ. SA has some of the most diverse and talented people from all over the world, make sure you meet a few every now and then.
Describe SA in one sentence.
Inspiring the next generation of South Australians with extraordinary people who care.
What’s the best thing about living here?
I get to pursue my passion without having to sacrifice my lifestyle. I get to walk to work everyday from South Terrace to North Terrace in under 30 mins. All whilst enjoying our beautiful parks and friendly faces along the way.